Calcola la spesa per le biblioteche rapportata alla spesa culturale totale.

Is your city (or region, or state) spending enough for libraries?
La tua città (regione o stato) spende abbastanza per le biblioteche?


☺️ > 20% as a % of cultural expenditure – your city spends more than European average

😉 < 20% and > 12% as a % of cultural expenditure (2022 values) – your city is in line with European average

☹️ < 12% as a % of cultural expenditure (2022 values) - your city spends less than European average

In case you do not already have the per inhabitant values, fill in these fields to calculate it.
Nel caso in cui non disponi già dei valori per abitante, compila questi campi per calcolarlo.

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